
With decades of experience driving progress and transformation globally, no one knows lending like we do. Read the latest opinions and insights from our lending experts.

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Considerations When Selecting a Loan Origination Platform

Origination forms a key part of the customer journey for any lending product, to allow for seamless onboarding and excellent customer experience, it is important that lenders have a loan origination platform that enables this. Find out why.

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From house prices to elections, 2024 is going to be a wild ride for lending

What a year we have ahead of us in 2024. Elections in the UK, US and elsewhere, along with geopolitical flashpoints and technologies including AI are set to have a very real impact on all our personal and working lives. Richard Carter, CEO at Lenvi makes his predictions for the year ahead.

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Is a back up servicing provider necessary?

Understand why it is necessary for lenders to onboard a back up servicing provider into their processes, especially in the current economic environment.

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5 factors to consider when choosing a standby servicing provider

Choosing the right standby servicing provider is important. Here are 5 factors to consider before you make your decision.

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How can lenders measure trust?

If you’re a large financial organisation diversifying into lending, it’s a significant investment. As Lenvi Sales Director, Ben Turner demonstrates, in our latest article buyers seeking to invest in this loan technology and servicing sector require partners with the qualities that are critical to building trust.

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Ramping up operational resilience

As a regulated business with compliance at its core, Lenvi continuously scans the horizon to ensure that we (and our clients) are prepared for potential shifts in the regulatory landscape. As a result, the team here has been taking a deep dive into the regulators’ latest consultation paper on system risk and operational resilience. Director of Compliance, Martin Kisby reports .

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An insider’s view of AI, tangible takeaways from Microsoft Build: AI Day

Lenvi software engineers Stephen Yeadon and Seth Niemuth attended a thought-provoking exploration of AI held by Microsoft at the end of 2023. Building on that experience with our own Innovation Weeks, Stephen and Seth discuss the extraordinary potential of AI for Lenvi clients, while offering an insider’s view of media scare stories.

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5 Ways Automated Loan Processing Enhances Lending

Automated loan processing can enhance the entire loan lifecycle for both lender and customers. Here are 5 ways automated loan processing optimises the lending process.

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How Lenvi is quietly taking the lending world by storm

Will Ellis, Chief Revenue Officer at Lenvi, describes the incredible innovations the business is undertaking, and why it’s fintech’s best-kept secret. Originally published in Interface Magazine.

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The Challenges Facing Digital Transformation

Digital transformation isn’t just a better website for your business or a new app, it means building services for the online era. Services that exceed the ever-changing expectations of consumers, are robust enough to meet regulation standards and flexible to grow with your business requirements. In this article, Simon Quin, Director of Technology at Lenvi looks at what digital transformation looks like for today and tomorrow.

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When Rishi met Elon - opportunities in lending with AI

With AI, we’re experiencing a step change whereby reality is beginning to outstrip what many would have imagined possible just three or four years ago. In this article, Lenvi's Sales Director, Ben Tuner talks about the application of AI in lending from Consumer Duty to vulnerability and a new level of customer service.

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Addressing lending compliance challenges

Lending compliance is a vital requirement for all financial institutions. This guide will address the challenges that arise, along with the solutions available.